Genaral Rules

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  • Genaral Rules
  1. The child must bring the school handbook to the class daily. Parents must check the handbook regularly. Remarks made in the handbook should be checked and countersigned
  2. Speaking in English is compulsory at school and in the school campus
  3. Morning session of Kindergarten and Public School commences at 8.45 am to 3.30 pm. Students shall arrive at school in time.
  4. All shall assemble at the designated place for morning prayer which is to be said with respect and devotion.
  5. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building are not allowed. When passing along the corridors during class hours, students  shall maintain silence.
  6. Students shall be responsible for safe custody of their belongings and, if needed, they may be properly labelled. The school authorities will not be held responsible for loss of articles and for any injury or loss of life that might happen accidentally.
  7. Any damage caused to school property must immediately be reported to the Principal and will have to be made good.
  8. Students shall keep high morale inside and outside the school campus.
  9. If a teacher happens to be absent in a class room, the class leader should inform the Principal of the matter.
  10. No pupil shall enter any class room other than his/her own without permission.
  11. Pupils may change their seat in the class room with due permission.
  12. Parents/guardians are not allowed to visit their children during class time.
  13. Parent may visit teachers during lunch time (11.50 am-12.30 am) (Public School)
  14. Discourtesy and disrespect to the school staff will be viewed seriously and students responsible for such misbehavior are liable to be dismissed.
  15. Pupils suffering from contagious diseases will not be permitted to attend the class.
  16. Reading materials like books, newspapers periodicals, comics etc may not be brought to school without prior sanction of the Principal. Electronic gadgets like walkman, iPods, MP3, camera, mobile phones should not be brought to the class. A vigilance squad is constituted to supervise the above guidelines.
  17. No cars, motor cycles, or scooters will be allowed to enter the school compound during school hours.
  18. Collections, whatsoever they may be, shall not be made in the school without prior approval of the Director. No party, meeting, or picnic or any kind of organized school activity shall be arranged without due permission.
  19. Gold ornaments shall not be worn by boys and girls while attending the school.
  20. It is compulsory for all students to turn up in the prescribed uniform as specified in the handbook. The uniform must be clean and neatly pressed, shoes well polished, finger nails pared, and hair trimmed and neatly combed.
  21. It is not advisable for students to have too much money in their possession.
  22. Ragging is totally banned. The anti-ragging committee will maintain vigil and undertake necessary measures to eradicate unethical practices among students.
  23. Every student is exhorted to keep up high standard and morale by excelling in studies, good manners and deportment.
  24. All Parents are requested to pay the school fees in due time. It may be noted that delayed payment of fees will invite a fine @ Rs. 200/- per month
  25. Any change in address or telephone number must be intimated to the school office
  26. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline. The greater the co-operation between home and the school, the surer and the faster the child’s progress in education.
  27. Parents must attend the open house to get an update on their child’s academic progress and conduct. In case the parent is unable to attend the open house, it must be communicated to the class teacher.
  28. Students should be in full uniform with ID card
  29. Students will be responsible for any breakage or loss of apparatus in laboratories and in school campus.
  30. Habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty or any other acts of misconduct on the part of students will result in severe disciplinary action including dismissal or suspension.
  1. Students who travel by school bus shall submit an application to the Principal for the same.
  2. Every student who gets in the school bus should behave decently.
  3. Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes earlier.
  4. Children should be escorted by responsible persons to and from the boarding point.
  5.  Children shall line up to board the bus.
  6. Avoid noisy behavior while waiting for bus.
  7. Class room conduct is to be observed in the bus also.
  8. Students shall not throw waste paper on the floor of the bus or out of the bus windows.
  9. Keep the bus clean.
  10. Do not eat in the bus.
  11. Do not damage bus equipment’s. If any damage is caused, it is to be made good.
  12. Keep head and hands inside the bus.
  13. Do not fight, push or shove.
  14. Do not use any profane language.
  15. Obey and respect driver and other employees.
  16. Do not get in and get out from a moving bus.
  17. After getting off the bus, children shall see that they cross road only after the bus moves.
  18. Never walk behind the bus.
  19. Talking loudly in the bus is banned.
  20. Do not lose your riding privilege due to misbehavior.
  21. The bus fee should be paid at the school office either in lump sum or in five equal installments on or before 10th of every alternative month beginning from June.
  22. The management reserves the right not to provide the bus services under circumstances beyond their control.
  23. Speaking in English is compulsory inside the bus and while waiting at bus stop.
